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by DevilAlumna
August 7th, 2011, 5:24 pm
Forum: Our House
Topic: DukeRah update
Replies: 166
Views: 3369

Re: DukeRah update

Hugs back your way to little Sarah. Kiss her neck for me. That's the most delicious spot I always say! Thanks for the vibes. Love, Ima :romance-heartsfade: Her neck's getting pudgy these days, but I'll give it an extra peck just for you, Ima! :romance-heartsfade: And vibes to you for a peaceful Sun...
by DevilAlumna
August 7th, 2011, 5:16 pm
Forum: Our House
Topic: We're Married!
Replies: 25
Views: 775

Re: We're Married!

Outstanding! Hopefully, these bad past couple weeks will be long forgotten, replaced by memories of the start to a long, happy, fulfilling marriage. Vibes and best wishes to you both! :happy-bouncyblue: :ymhug: :wizard: :ymhug: :happy-bouncyblue: :ymparty: :ymapplause: :ymparty: :ymapplause:
by DevilAlumna
August 7th, 2011, 12:28 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: LTE 2.0
Replies: 40722
Views: 722189

Re: LTE 2.0

Sigh. This has not been a fun day. I wish I knew what was wrong with me. :9f: I know days like that. :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :twocents: Some times, it's okay to feel crummy & out of sorts - it's even okay to embrace it and pamper yourself appropriately. I vote either a) energetic - go out, go shopp...
by DevilAlumna
August 6th, 2011, 12:58 pm
Forum: Our House
Topic: Latest work(s)
Replies: 622
Views: 20314

Re: Latest work(s)

I like Coach Cut in the background - very nice! :happy-bouncyblue:
by DevilAlumna
August 6th, 2011, 11:28 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: DukeRah update
Replies: 166
Views: 3369

Re: DukeRah update

More PNW and fellow namesake vibes!! The Blue Angels are in town this weekend, too, so maybe the vibes will be extra speedy & noisy in reaching y'all.

:happy-bouncyblue: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :happy-bouncyblue:
by DevilAlumna
August 6th, 2011, 11:26 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: The Official "Good Morning" Thread
Replies: 33350
Views: 758546

Re: The Official "Good Morning" Thread

OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Ruthie says good morning to everyone! ~O) (the coffee is mine ;) )
Yay, Ruthie w/ Grandpa! :D :ymhug:

FutureDA also says good morning - she's back to a napping state, after 10! hours of sleep last night. (I love this kid's sleeping habits.) :happy-bouncyblue:
by DevilAlumna
August 5th, 2011, 10:33 pm
Forum: Our House
Topic: Welcome: havefunexpecttowin
Replies: 11
Views: 359

Re: Welcome: havefunexpecttowin

Thanks for having me here! I'm really looking forward to that weekend since it's going to be a mini-reunion of old college buddies. Most of us will be Vandy alumni, but I believe there will be at least one Duke grad in attendance. It should be a great time. I won't be posting pic's, but I may give ...
by DevilAlumna
August 5th, 2011, 1:12 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: The Official "Good Night" Thread
Replies: 4131
Views: 86953

Re: The Official "Good Night" Thread

Time for bed. Future DA's started reliably sleeping through the night, but 9PM-6AM still equals an early morning. ( :YMPRAY: that this doesn't jinx it.)

G'night, all!
by DevilAlumna
July 28th, 2011, 1:01 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: LTE 2.0
Replies: 40722
Views: 722189

Re: LTE 2.0

Jay Bilas is now my FB friend! It only took him about an hour to accept my request! That's a new land speed record for Duke people... :)) That's pretty cool...he only has 374, so he's not of those ones that takes everybody. He has 3091 FB friends--at least the Jay Bilas who is my FB friend has that...
by DevilAlumna
July 28th, 2011, 12:54 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: Fuqua dean steps down
Replies: 8
Views: 213

Re: Fuqua dean steps down

PRI's Marketplace had an article a couple months ago on US colleges with campuses in the Middle East, and it sounded like many of them were not finding the ventures successful: Wonder if Fuqu...
by DevilAlumna
July 27th, 2011, 3:03 pm
Forum: Our House
Topic: LTE 2.0
Replies: 40722
Views: 722189

Re: LTE 2.0

The varnish zone newspaper had an article about a sheriff's race in a neighboring county (where Oedipus, my version of ExLax, works) this morning. The online version mentioned, pretty far down in the article, that the challenger had previously worked at the sheriff's office but had been let go. The...
by DevilAlumna
July 27th, 2011, 1:15 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: Windsor's Bearings
Replies: 26
Views: 624

Re: Windsor's Bearings

Dang, can I come work for you?

:ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:
by DevilAlumna
July 27th, 2011, 12:49 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: Vibes for Kelly
Replies: 76
Views: 1799

Re: Vibes for Kelly

ArkieDukie wrote:
windsor wrote: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Huge vibes to Kelly and infection killing shin kicks as well!
What windsor said. :D :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
by DevilAlumna
July 26th, 2011, 1:34 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: Excel Help Requested
Replies: 10
Views: 325

Re: Excel Help Requested

I keep expecting DA to weigh in with a solution, even though she may still be out on maternity leave (???) At least I'm sure she has access to the insiders who are working feverishly on a fix for this problem... DA? Yeah, sorry -- not my area of expertise at all... I'm just as stumped as y'all. :( ...
by DevilAlumna
July 25th, 2011, 4:18 pm
Forum: Our House
Topic: LTE 2.0
Replies: 40722
Views: 722189

Re: LTE 2.0

CameronBornAndBred wrote:Bing [bot] was just visiting. I hate Bing. Microsoft is determined to jam that damn thing down my throat.
Resistance is futile. ;)
by DevilAlumna
July 24th, 2011, 1:50 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: Weather Check!
Replies: 1122
Views: 21632

Re: Weather Check!

How did you get a picture of me on my patio today? I went out to do errands this afternoon and the car thermometer said 108. The bank said it was only 101. Next weekend, I'll be venturing back to the state North of you with the rest of the DA clan in tow. I hope hope hope the heat dome dissipates b...
by DevilAlumna
July 23rd, 2011, 12:46 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: The Official "Good Night" Thread
Replies: 4131
Views: 86953

Re: The Official "Good Night" Thread

It's only 9:45 here, but time for this gal to head it in. G'night, all.
by DevilAlumna
July 23rd, 2011, 12:43 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: Norway
Replies: 5
Views: 127

Re: Norway

colchar wrote:The death toll now stands at over 80 so please pray to whatever or whomever you pray to that the dead, the vast majority of whom are children, can rest in the peace and safety that we couldn't provide for them here on earth.
It turns my stomach, it's so tragic and sad. :(
by DevilAlumna
July 22nd, 2011, 8:47 am
Forum: Our House
Topic: The Official "Good Morning" Thread
Replies: 33350
Views: 758546

Re: The Official "Good Morning" Thread

I've been up since 3:45AM. Not because of FutureDA -- she's sound asleep, and has been since 10PM last night, such a good girl!!! No, first Mr. DA comes to bed really late, wakes me up. 20 min. later, bulldog decides he wants to start barking (starting a new bad habit, this is the third time in 5 ni...
by DevilAlumna
July 21st, 2011, 11:01 pm
Forum: Our House
Topic: DukeRah update
Replies: 166
Views: 3369

Re: DukeRah update

I didn't know DukeRah and FutureDA share the same name -- sending an extra dose of super-smiley vibes from the wee one.
PicFromMom - 7-21.jpg